Michael Jackson and An Early Night

Like millions of others, I woke up today to the sad news that Michael Jackson has passed away. Now obviously I didn’t know the man, and even most of his music was ‘before my time’ so to speak, but there’s no doubting what a brilliant singer, songwriter and entertainer he was. There are a lot of people out there who are going to be affected by his death, and if you’re one of them my sympathies are with you. The media already seem to be going crazy, and people have already been comparing the hype to the  hype surrounding Princess Diana’s death. It’s hard in these sort of situations, because the media have to report the news. I just feel sorry for his family, who probably aren’t going to be given the chance to grieve in private. What are your thoughts on it? Are you a big Michael Jackson fan?

Today I was back on the muesli and berries for breakfast:


 I also had a banana.

After I posted last night, I decided an early night was in order. I’ve been working 11 hour days and surviving on five hours sleep a night lately, and it was really beginning to catch up on me. So in to bed I got…at 9pm. It was brilliant! I lay in bed reading for half an hour, and then got a full 8 hours sleep. I feel so much better today.

Hope you all have a lovely day!

12 Responses to Michael Jackson and An Early Night

  1. rediscoveringlauren says:

    hi hun
    thanks for the sweet comments you leave me 🙂 they really do make me smile!
    breakfast looks delicious! nothing like some cold muesli for breakfast on a summers day 🙂
    youve been surviving on 5 hours sleep a day? wow, thats crazy girl! you need an early night for sure 🙂

  2. Madison says:

    I was sad and SO shocked to hear about MJ’s death. I definitely loved his music and dancing. I grew up dancing to his music in dance class and even taught my friends the Thriller dance for prom. Even though some of his personal life was questionable, he still left this world with some of the best music of probably our lifetime.

    On a lighter note–your breakfast looks yum! I need to try muesli–never really tried it. Is that your favorite way to eat it? I need pointers. haha

    • I think muesli is much more mainstream over here than in the US. I tend to just eat it with milk for the ease factor (I can keep a carton of milk in the fridge at work) but it’s also great with yoghurt. I love it with any kind of berries, especially strawberries. Definitely try it out, but buy an unsweetened version because the ones with sugar are way too sweet!

  3. Kailey says:

    RIP MJ – i was totally surprised. I had no idea that anything was wrong with him. He was pretty young to die!! Thriller will forever be in my heart 🙂

    love the breakfast!

  4. I just found your blog- are you in the UK too?

    I was sorry to hear about MJ- such a shock 😦

    have a good friday…

  5. lowandbhold says:

    I’m totally envious of your early night. I was up too late again last night and I’m dragging today!

    MJ’s death is going to be a huge media frenzy! I’m sad that we’ve lost such an incredible legend, but I’m already dreading the months and months that the media is going to milk this story and ignore more important things, like they did with Anna Nicole Smith for so long. Sigh.

    Have a great day!

  6. Maria says:

    Yeah,his music was before my time too, but I do think he is a brilliant entertainer. When I was a toddler I remember my mom dancing to his old songs (Beat It) though. That is a lot of work you are doing, glad that you are giving yourself lots of rest :D. Hope your Friday is lovely too!

  7. Johanna B says:

    I wasn’t much of a MJ fan but being a music lover I respect his position in the history of modern music. Thriller will always be a classic. I wonder what provisions were made for his children.

    I hope you get some sleep.

  8. Sleep is the one thing I can not do without. Less than a good 7 solid ones and I one cranky girl. I just feel so off all day if I am not rested. Plus, I tend to eat more – seeking out that sugar for the energy.

  9. thanks for your comment! so nice to find another UK blogger!

    i think MJ’s music is phenomenal, and i was really sad to hear the news. i agree that the media really do go crazy at times like these and blow things up out of proportion, and trigger various arguments and debates, which is the part i don’t like. i think it’s fantastic that he has such a loyal fanbase that truly mourn for him though. he really was a genius.

  10. jaime says:

    hey girl! thank you so much for your sweet comment 🙂

    i am a fan of michael’s music– but i think hes a bit whacky!! i do think it is very sad though.

    wow girl! you work so much! what do you do?!!? get some rest!!

    xoxo j

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